Thursday, October 08, 2009

Anti Spam pada e-mail server di Linux

Ada beberapa anti spam untuk mail server yang bisa digunakan di Linux. Ada yang berlisensi GPL, Freeware, Commercial, Public Domain, dan Artistic. Beberapa diantaranya adalah sbb :

1. ASK - Active Spam Killer, Version: 2.4.1
Program ini (Active Spam Killer, atau gampangnya ASK) melakukan pendekatan "Aktif" dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Setiap kali sebuah email diterima, sebuah pesan dikirimkan kembali ke pengirim untuk meminta konfirmasi. Jika pengirim tidak mengirimkan pesan konfirmasi, ia akan ditempatkan dalam antrian pengiriman. Jika pengirim memberikan konfirmasi, pesan diteruskan dan dihapus dari daftar antrian. Pengirim yang telah "terkonfirmasi" akan ditambahkan ke "daftar putih" dan gak akan diminta konfirmasi lagi. Pesan-pesan dari email ini akan selalu diteruskan segera. Anda juga dapat membuat sebuah "daftar terabaikan" atau "ignorelist" untuk email yang seharusnya diabaikan dan sebuah "daftar hitam" yang akan menyebabkan sebuah nastygram untuk dikirimkan kembali ke pengirim setiap kali sebuah email diterima.
Lisensi : GPL

2. assp, Version: 1.0.10
It has long been clear to me that the best place to stop spam is at an organization's SMTP server. This is true for the following reasons: Most spam has an invalid bounce address, so notifying non-delivery simply bounces to Postmaster, creating even more wasted bandwidth. Failing to notify non-delivery is a problem for false-positives. The SMTP server is the only place where spam can be stopped before entering your system. The only possible feedback for spammers to void an address is from the SMTP server. Spam that passes through your SMTP server into mailboxes incurs cost to your organization: storage, transmission, backup, deletion -- in all these ways spam costs you money. The only way to minimize cost is to reject it at the initial point.
Licence: GPL

3. Blackmail, Version: 0.29
BlackMail is an Anti-Spam mailer proxy for use with popular MTA's like Sendmail, QMail, and SMail. It is highly configurable, very powerful, very fast, and runs on a large variety of platforms. It has undergone extensive testing, and this is the most stable release, now with Solaris support.
Licence: GPL

4. blq, Version: 1.8
blq is a Perl script that queries one or more lists, such as the MAPS RBL or MAPS DUL, to determine if a host is listed as a potential source of spam or email abuse. Query spam and email abuse block lists.
Licence: Freeware

5. Chebyshev, Version: 0.02
Chebyshev is an engine for an email forwarding service (w/spam filtering). Similar to those "" email forwarding services that some schools provide. Combine email forwarding with spam filtering, and you have something useful. The chief design goal for this engine is simplicity.
Licence: GPL

6. EMP 5 - Enterprise Anti-spam Filter, Version: 5.0
Extensible Messaging Platform (EMP 5), is a SPAM filtering firewall server application. Protects Exchange Server, Domino, GroupWise or any SMTP mail server from Internet SPAM, e-mail-borne viruses (including dangerous auto-launch viruses) and other objectionable content. Filters mail using complex contextual signatures (not simple keyword lists). The use of contextual signatures results in high success and extremely low false-positive rates. Additional features include automatic XML extraction/database insertion, optional POP3 retrieval, comprehensive user-definable contextual filtering, content-based message routing and developer API. License includes JAK filter capsule so it's armed to block SPAM "right out of the box". Installs as Linux server. Server based Anti-Spam Filter protects organizational mail servers
Licence: Commercial

7. junkfilter, Version: 20010528
junkfilter is a procmail-based spam filtering system that is both configurable and customizable.
Licence: GPL

8., Version: 0.3b is a Unix shell script to be called via cron to create an anti-spam database. It should work on any system running Sendmail 8.9.x which has the /etc/mail directory.
Licence: GPL

9. MIMEDefang, Version: 2.39
MIMEDefang is a program for inspecting and modifying e-mail messages as they pass through your mail relay.
Licence: GPL

10. qmail-smtpd-auth, Version: 0.24
qmail-smtpd-auth is a patch for qmail that enables it to support SMTP AUTH protocol with the following auth types: LOGIN, PLAIN and CRAM-MD5. It's based on a previous patch by Mr.Brisby that implemented LOGIN type. This version is enhanced and allows easy adding of new auth methods.
Licence: Public Domain

11. rblcheck, Version: 1.5
rblcheck is a lightweight C program for doing checks against Paul Vixie's MAPS Blackhole List and the ORBS open relay list. It works well in conjunction with Procmail for filtering unwanted bulk email.
Licence: GPL

12. rblfilter, Version: 1.0.1
rblfilter is a simple tool which can be used to identify mail from RBL-listed sources. You configure it with a list of hosts on which you receive mail, and it extracts the sender's IP address from the "Received:" headers. It is useful when you have no control over the SMTP listener which receives your mail - e.g. at your ISP.
Licence: Freeware

13. Ricochet, Version: 0.9.7
It traces the names and addresses of the systems where the spam originated from.
A lot of unsolicited email goes unreported because tracing the origins of a possibly forged mail and finding the right people to report to, is complicated and time-consuming. Ricochet, a smart net agent, automates this process. It traces the names and addresses of the systems where the spam originated from along with the servers that provide domain name resolution services to these systems (in most cases their ISPs). Then it collects/generates a list of email addresses of tech/billing/admin/abuse contacts of these system and mails them a complaint and a copy of the spam. Detailed description of its workings can be found in the README file that comes with the package.
Licence: Artistic

14. RIG, Version: 1.02
RIG (Random Identity Generator) is a free replacement for a shareware program out there called 'fake'. It generates random, yet real-looking, personal data. It is useful if you need to feed a name to a Web site, BBS, or real person, and are too lazy to think of one yourself. Also, if the Web site/BBS/person you are giving the information to tries to crosscheck the city, state, zip, or area code, it will check out.
Licence: GPL

15., Version: 0.19
Perl script for sending automatic complaints on spam. Perl Script reads an email from stdin and creates a complaint mail which it sends to the postmaster and abuse-receivers of the domains that have relayed the mail. It is customizable to prevent complaining to friendly hosts, uses your own complaint mail and is ready to be invoked from within another mail program.
Licence: GPL

16. SpamAssassin, Version: 2.53
SpamAssassin is a mail filter that uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail headers and body text to identify spam. Once identified, the mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for later filtering using the user's own mail user-agent application. It provides a command line tool to perform filtering, along with Mail::SpamAssassin, a set of Perl modules which implement a Mail::Audit plugin, allowing SpamAssassin to be used in a Mail::Audit filter or in a spam-protection proxy POP/IMAP server.
Licence: Artistic

17. Spamfilter, Version: 2.02
Spamfilter is meant to be used via the .qmail files that the qmail mail system uses to control what to do with incoming emails. This program will give you the opportunity to control which mails you want to receive and which are to be thrown away. It does this by checking if the mail is directly addressed or not, and then checking various configuration files to see what to do. The two most important files are .allow and .deny that should reside in your home directory.
Licence: GPL

18. Vipul's Razor, Version: 0.24
Vipul's Razor is a distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network that exploits the broadcast characteristic of spam distribution to limit its propagation. The primary focus of the system is to identify and disable an email spam before its injection and processing is complete. Razor establishes a distributed and constantly updating catalogue of spam in propagation. This catalogue is used by clients to filter out known spam.
Licence: Artistic

E-mail spam tidak sepenuhnya bisa dihilangkan, hanya bisa dminimalkan saja. Mail Server sekelas Yahoo! saja masih bisa dimasuki e-mail spam. Jadi janganlah berharap terlalu tinggi untuk bebas sepenuhnya dari e-mail spam. SpamAssasin yang kami gunakan menggunakan algoritma neural network. Artinya ia harus diberi pelajaran terus menerus agar bisa menangkal e-mail spam. Udah gitu, e-mail spam juga gak bodoh. Ia selalu berubah bentuk sehingga bisa masuk ke dalam mailbox. Seperti kejar kejaran antara maling dan polisi aja.

Spam juga dipengaruhi oleh prilaku kita dalam surfing. Ada situs-situs tertentu yang bilamana diakses akan menularkan spam. Untuk itu berhati-hatilah dalam mengakses situs-situs yang dapat diduga pembangkit spam.

Bagi pengguna mail client, sebaiknya menggunakan mail client yang dilengkapi anti spam. Sehingga spma tidak hanya difilter pada sisi server, namun juga pada sisi client.

Sumber :

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Etika Profesi Teknologi Informasi


2.1. Sejarah Etika Komputer
2.1.1. Era 1940-1950-an
2.1.2. Era 1960-an
2.1.3. Era 1970-an
2.1.4. Era 1980-an
2.1.5. Era 1990-an sampai sekarang
2.1.6. Etika Komputer di Indonesia
2.2. Beberapa Pandangan dalam Cakupan Etika Komputer
2.3. Isu-isu Pokok Etika Komputer
2.3.1. Kejahatan Komputer
2.3.2. Cyber Ethics
2.3.3. E-Commerce
2.3.4. Pelanggaran Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual
2.3.5. Tanggung Jawab Profesi


3.1. Manusia dan Kebutuhannya
3.2. Pekerjaan dan Profesi
3.3. Profesi dan Profesional
3.4. Mengukur Profesionalisme
3.4.1. Pendekatan Orientasi Filosofi
3.4.2. Pendekatan Orientasi Perkembangan
3.4.3. Pendekatan Orientasi Karakteristik
3.4.4. Pendekatan Orientasi Non-Tradisional


4.1. Gambaran Umum Pekerjaan di Bidang Teknologi Informasi
4.2. Profesi di Bidang TI Sebagai Profesi
4.3. Pekerjaan Bidang TI Standar Pemerintah
4.4. Standarisasi Profesi TI Menurut SRIG-PS SEARCC


5.1. Peningkatan Profesionalisme
5.2. Mempersiapkan SDM
5.3. Menjadi Profesional dengan Sertifikasi
5.3.1. Sertifikasi Berorientasi Produk
5.3.2. Sertifikasi Berorientasi Profesi
5.3.3. Hambatan Pelaksanaan Sertifikasi


6.1. Pembentukan Organisasi Profesi
6.2. Fungsi Pokok Organisasi Profesi
6.3. Organisasi Profesi TI di Indonesia
6.3.1. Azas, Tujuan dan Fungsi
6.3.2. Keanggotaan
6.3.3. Tata Organisasi
6.4. Kode Etik Profesi
6.4.1. Prinsip Dasar Kode Etik Profesi
6.4.2. Kode Etik Profesi
6.5. Tanggung Jawab Moral


7.1. Perkembangan Internet
7.2. Karakteristik Dunia Maya
7.3. Pentingnya Etika di Dunia Maya
7.4. Netiket : Contoh Etika Berinternet
7.5. Pelanggaran Etika Berinternet


8.1. Cakupan Etika Bisnis
8.2. Pronsip-Prinsip Etika Bisnis
8.3. Bisnis di Bidang Teknologi Informasi
8.4. Tantangan Umum Bisnis di Bidang TI
8.5. E-Commerce : Era Baru Bisnis TI dan Tantangannya
8.6. Model Hukum Perdagangan Elektronik


9.1. Tinjauan Umum Undang-Undang Hak Cipta Republik Indonesia
9.2. Perlindungan UUHC terhadap Karya Cipta Program Komputer
9.3. Pendaftaran Hak Cipta
9.4. Pelanggaran Hak Cipta
9.5. Upaya Mengatasi Pelanggaran Hak Cipta


10.1. Lisensi Perangkat Lunak Komputer
10.2. Perangkat Lunak Bebas
10.3. Filosofi Perangkat Lunak Bebas
10.4. Studi Kasus: Komunitas Pengguna LINUX
10.5. Hak Cipta dalam Perangkat Lunak Bebas


11.1. Penegrtian Cybercrime
11.2. Karaketristik Cybercrime
11.3. Jenis-jenis Cybercrime
11.3.1. Berdasarkan Jenis Aktifitasnya
11.3.2. Berdasarkan Motif Kegiatannya
11.3.3. Berdasarkan Sasaran Kejahatannya
11.4. Penanggulangan Cybercrime

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Aplikasi RKAKL 2010 di IGOS Nusantara

Sejak disusunnya Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Kementerian Negara/Lembaga (RKAKL) tahun 2005 sesuai amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 17 tahun 2003 tentang Keuangan Negara, penyempurnaan sistem penganggaran terus dilakukan. Penyempurnaan ini tetap berlandaskan pada konsep penganggaran terpadu, penganggaran berbasis kinerja dan kerangka penganggaran jangka menengah.

Penyempurnaan aplikasi RKAKL ini dilakukan mengacu pada perubahan kebijakan dan perubahan teknis aplikasi. Diharapkan dengan perubahan ini informasi yang melekat pada RKAKL lebih mempunyai bobot dan dari sisi teknis aplikasi memudahkan para operator dalam menuangkan data-data RKAKL ke dalam aplikasi.

Secara umum, aplikasi RKAKL 2010 versi 6.0 ini tidak jauh berbeda dibanding aplikasi RKAKL versi sebelumnya. Beberapa hal perubahan pokok antara lain : pencantuman informasi Saldo Awal Badan Layanan Umum, kewenangan Urusan Bersama (disamping KP, KD, DK dan TP), penambahan digit subkegiatan, korelasi tema subkegiatan, penerapan SBK/SBU, penambahan digit grup akun, penambahan jenis beban Hibah Dalam Negeri (disamping RM, PHLN, Local Cost, PNBP, Pinjaman Dalam Negeri) dan perkiraan pengadaan barang/jasa pada level detil akun.

Agar Aplikasi RKAKL 2010 versi 6.0 dapat dijalankan di IGOS Nusantara 3, sebaiknya penuhi prasyarat sbb :
  1. Tambahkan paket Wine di IGOS Nusantara 3 anda.
  2. Memiliki file-file yang dibutuhkan oleh Aplikasi RKAKL Versi 6.0 atau RKAKL 2010. Download disini.
File-file yang dibutuhkan adalah sbb :
  1. install_rkakl_apl.exe
  2. install_rkakl_db.exe
  3. KIS7-CM-20100817-05EA02BB.KEY
  4. KIS7-CM-20110606-03ECFADB.KEY
  5. Manual RKAKL 2010.pdf
  6. Runtime_install_rkakl.exe
  7. Runtime VFP 9.0.exe
Selanjutnya, lakukan diinstalasi hal-hal sbb :
  1. Microsoft Visual FoxPro support library : double click file "Runtime VFP 9.0.exe"
  2. Runtime Aplikasi Aplikasi RKAKL : double click file "Runtime_install_rkakl.exe"
  3. RKAKL 2010 : double click file "install_rkakl_apl.exe"
  4. Database RKAKL 2010 : double click file "install_rkakl_db.exe"
Beberapa pesan kesalahan yang mungkin muncul :

Jendela "Microsoft Visual FoxPro" :
Cannot locate the Microsoft Visual FoxPro support library

Saat menjalankan Aplikasi RKAKL 2010, muncul jendela "Microsoft Visual FoxPro" dengan tulisan :
Visual FoxPro cannot start Visual FoxPro requires Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51
atau :
The source file is not valid. Overwrite it with a new empty one? Yes/No -> Yes

Program Error
Invalid path or file name

Program Error
Tidak ada File Struktur Database...

Saat menjalankan aplikasi lalu pilih menu "RKA-KL" lalu pilih sub menu "Kertas Kerja RKAKL" lalu pilih sub sub menu "Rincian Belanja" lalu muncul pesan kesalahan :
Locate mscomctl.ocx

Pesan lain yang muncul adalah jendela "Aplikasi RKAKL 2010" dengan pesan :
OLE error code 0x80040154: Unknown COM status code. OLE object is being ignored. Record number 4.

Program Error
Unknown member OLEBAR

Cancel Ignore Help

Jika aplikasi gak bisa keluar, harus pakai perintah baris "kill". Untuk itu, perhatikan PID atau program ID. Untuk melihat PID aplikasi ini, gunakan perintah baris "ps -aux".
[root@lenovo ~]# ps -aux
Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See /usr/share/doc/procps-3.2.7/FAQ
root         1  0.0  0.1   1952   748 ?        Ss   15:05   0:01 /sbin/init
root         2  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    15:05   0:00 [kthreadd]
msmunir   4316  0.5  0.4   5092  2240 ?        Ss   15:20   0:04 /usr/bin/../lib/../bin/wineserver
msmunir   4318  0.0  0.4 2646424 2148 ?        Ss   15:20   0:00 C:\windows\system32\wineboot.exe
msmunir   4319  0.0  0.4 2647904 2300 ?        Sl   15:20   0:00 C:\windows\system32\services.exe
msmunir   4511 24.0  9.6 2681656 48484 ?       Sl   15:24   2:27 C:\RKAKL10\rkakl.exe       
msmunir   4542  0.0  1.1 2653560 5884 ?        Ss   15:24   0:00 C:\windows\system32\explorer.exe
root      5269  0.0  0.1   5512   944 pts/0    R+   15:34   0:00 ps -aux
[root@lenovo ~]# kill -HUP 4511

Jika ada masalah dengan ketiadaan file mscomctl.ocx, cari file mscomctl.ocx tersebut di MS Windows lalu salin file tersebut dari folder c:/windows/system32 ke flashdisk. Dari flashdisk salin lagi ke IGOS di folder /home/msmunir/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32. Ini adalah folder dimana paket Wine berada. Wine adalah Windows Emulator for Linux.

Install Wine di IGOS Nusantara 3 :
# yum install wine